Founded in 1586, the Guild of Funerary Violinists is not only Britain's
oldest surviving artisans society, but also the first to be granted
national status in a Royal Warrant from Queen Elizabeth I. Dedicated
to the promotion and execution of the art of Funerary Violin: a tradition
once placed at the very heart of our notions of mortality, but now sadly
neglected, if not forgotten altogether; the GFV works tirelessly to
raise awareness of both the great wealth of music composed to accompany
the laying to rest of a tragically departed soul; but also the great
wealth of ritual and symbolism associated with mortality and the Funerary
Aesthetic, that seems to be so lacking in the culture of today, where
Death is pushed to one side and hidden like some embarrassing family
secret. It is only by staring Death in the face that you can truly say
you have known Life; it is only by losing that which you hold most dear
that you can truly say you have known Love; such is the Art of the Funerary
The current Acting President of the Guild is Rohan
The current Acting Secretary of the Guild is Matt. Tromans.